Specialized Training Offerings

Trainers schedules can be variable over the summer - so please make sure to check this page every week before heading to the park to make sure your session is still happening as scheduled.

Goalie Training for Boys and Girls:

  • Sessions will be run by Brandon Keller
  • Gear required: Full goalie gear and stick
  • Weekly sessions on Sunday mornings at 10am at Feist
  • August Dates for Training:  Sep 8th, Sep 22nd (Sep 22nd session will be at 11am)

Faceoff Training for Boys:

  • Future Sessions are currently TBD while we arrange new trainer and schedule.
  • Gear required: Stick, Gloves, and Helmet

Speed and Agility Training for boys and girls 10U and up:

  • Sessions will be run by Ross Headley
  • Gear required:  cleats and stick
  • Future sessions TBD while we work on schedules for the fall and winter

Shooting for Boys and Girls 8U and up:

  • Work on step down shooting, shooting on the run, feeds, fakes, and dodges to shots
  • Gear required: stick and (if applicable for age group) goggles for girls , and helmet and gloves for boys
  • Sessions still on hold till we can identify coaches and times over the summer.